Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Artist Forrest Jessee is an interesting man. He holds a Masters of Architecture from Columbia, a Professional Architecture degree from the Architectural Association in London, and a Bachelor of Science in Biology. From his site "Subsequently, he worked for the National Audubon headquarters in New York where he helped identify, establish, and run education centers and wildlife conservation areas across the United States. More recently, he has worked as a graphic designer for the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation at Columbia, co-taught a studio at Columbia, and is freelancing in a Brooklyn-based design office. His work has been exhibited across Europe and was selected by Surface Magazine as one of America’s Most Promising Graduates in its Avant Guardian Annual Thesis Guide."

With this said it is no surprise that he is coming out with some interesting projects. His latest hopes to challenge the normal idea of interpersonal space. Based on Buckminster Fuller's concept of Dymaxion Sleeping, also known as Polyphasic sleep. The idea being that one should sleep multiple times a day in short naps. Jessee's response to this has been the design and prototyping of the Sleep Suit.

Constructed of EVA Foam, the Sleep Suit is meant to provide a simple cocoon like apparatus for sleeping where ever one might be. I am not going to explain everything about is as the website itself is much more eloquent and thorough. He are some evocative images though.

His site- Forrest Jessee SLEEP-SUIT

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